
My grandparents and parents played a significant role in my formative years, and I am grateful for the lasting effects of their valuable partnership. The boundless love and support of my family has given me the roots and wings to build a rich and meaningful life, and I believe that family is a powerful protective factor during adversity. Our work is rooted in supporting you and your family.

Belonging, Anti-bias & Anti-racist Practice

Children, parents and caregivers deserve to feel safe, loved, and valued, regardless of their race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or any other identity marker. As a parent coach, I am committed to creating a space where all children, parents, caregivers and families feel welcome and respected.

  • Belonging: Children, parents and caregivers have the right to belong to a community where they feel accepted and loved, and I support the entire ecosystem in creating an environment and partnership where clients feel safe to be themselves.

  • Anti-bias: It’s important to challenge bias and discrimination in all its forms. I support parents, caregivers and families in developing their own anti-bias practices and in teaching their children about anti-bias.

  • Anti-racism: Racism is a systemic problem that we must all work to dismantle. I support parents, caregivers and families in raising anti-racist children and in working to create a more just and equitable society.

  • I am committed to ongoing learning and growth in my own anti-bias and anti-racist practices. I believe that it is important for parent coaches to role model the behaviors they want to see in their clients.

Holistic & Collective Wellness

Holistic and collective wellness are essential for parents, caregivers and children to thrive. Holistic wellness is a state of well-being that encompasses all aspects of our lives, including our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Collective wellness is a state of well-being that is shared by a group of people, such as a family or community.

As a parent coach, I am committed to supporting parents and caregivers in their journey to holistic and collective wellness. Parents and caregivers are the most important people in children's lives, and their wellness has a direct impact on the wellness of their children.

I strive to create a safe and supportive space for parents and caregivers to explore and unpack their values, challenges, and goals. Each client is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting and caregiving. I work with you to develop individualized strategies that support your holistic and collective wellness. When parents and caregivers are thriving, children thrive.

Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is the process of thinking critically about one’s work experiences and learning from them. It helps me identify my strengths and blind spots, develop new skills, and improve my efficacy as a parent coach. I lead by example, so you can apply reflective practice to your work, personal life, and home life.


Curiosity is the desire to learn and understand new things. It is the driving force behind our exploration and discovery. As a parent coach, being curious about my clients and their children allows me understand their unique experiences, perspectives, and challenges. I invite you, as my client, to do the same.

Examples of how I demonstrate curiosity in my coaching practice:

  • I ask open-ended questions to learn more about your experiences, perspectives, and challenges.

  • I listen carefully to try to understand your underlying needs and motivations.

  • I remain open to new ideas and approaches to coaching, and am continuously learning and growing as a coach.